Scream VI 4K 2023

Battlestar Galactica 4K 1978

The Truman Show 4K 1998

In such a situation was Truman, the main character of the picture. Will he continue to live in a safe world, where, as he now knows, he has almost no freedom of choice, or will he leave the "game" and become the master of his own fate, where a girl not planned by the script is waiting for him?
Jaws 2 4K 1978
Creepshow 4K 1982

The first story is called "Father's Day." The family sits around the dinner table waiting for Aunt Bedelia. The aunt killed her father a few years ago for having a holiday called Father's Day where he kept yelling: "Where's my birthday cake, you stupid bitch!?" while she labored in the kitchen. Bedelia couldn't take it anymore and hit her daddy over the head with a marble ashtray. Now every year on this holiday Bedelia goes to her father's grave to make amends. And then on one of these days, the pope rises from the grave with the cry, "Where's my cake!"...?".
The title of the second story is "The Lonely Death of Geordie Verill." Gas station owner Jordy Verill witnesses a meteorite crash near his home. He begins to imagine the money he could sell it for to a local college. But by carelessness he touches the meteorite, after which the very real vegetation begins to grow on his body...
The third story is called "The Tide." Richard Vickers discovers that his wife Becky has a lover named Harry. Richard goes to him and takes him to the ocean shore. There he buries both lovers in the sand so that only their heads stick out. The coming tide should bring them a slow but imminent death. But Richard could not even suspect that Becky and Harry will rise from oblivion to take revenge ...
The fourth story is entitled "The Chest". A university janitor discovers a chest hidden under the stairs. It is labeled with the Arctic expedition of 1834. The janitor tells Professor Dexter Stanley about the strange find, and they open the chest. A monster crawls out and kills the janitor. Dexter runs away from the lab in terror and meets another professor, whom the monster mistakes for a second course. Leaving the walls of the university Dexter turns to his friend Henry for help. He immediately gets an idea how to teach his wife Wilma, who constantly wipes her feet on him. He puts sleeping pills in Charlie's glass and goes to the university, leaving Wilma a note in which he asks her to follow him ...
The fifth story is titled "They Crawl All Over You." Millionaire Upson Pratt has a terrible hatred of bugs and other insects. But one day cockroaches appear in his unusually clean apartment. Upson panics and calls the epidemic control people. But the cockroaches keep coming and coming from every crevice ...
Vacation 4K 1983

Not so! When the Griswold family gathered for the vacation, the real circus began! The head of the "event," Clark Griswold, is eager for a peaceful family reunion while traveling across the country on what promises to be a very exciting trip!
But Daddy Griswold's sweet dreams are not destined to come true: the vacation turns into a roller coaster ride 2,460 miles long! Everyone contributes to the "variety" of the cultural program - Uncle Eddie, Aunt Edna, the seductress in the Ferrari and, of course, the obese security guard!
Memories of Murder 4K 2003