Discover the uncharted corners of the cosmos in the highly anticipated series "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds." Set in the vast and diverse Star Trek universe, this new installment follows the adventures of Captain Christopher Pike, Science Officer Spock, and Number One as they embark on a thrilling journey aboard the starship USS Enterprise. Navigating through unexplored regions of space, the crew encounters new civilizations, faces unexpected challenges, and boldly goes where no one has gone before. Filled with exploration, discovery, and the enduring spirit of Starfleet, "Strange New Worlds" promises an exciting voyage into the unknown, rekindling the essence of the beloved Star Trek franchise.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Series 1-10 in 4K Ultra HDStrange New Worlds. S1.E1May 5, 2022
Captain Christopher Pike comes out of self-imposed exile to rescue an officer gone missing during a secret mission.
Children of the Comet. S1.E2May 12, 2022
An ancient alien relic thwarts the Enterprise crew from re-routing a comet on track to strike an inhabited planet.
Ghosts of Illyria. S1.E3May 19, 2022
Una must confront a secret she's been hiding when a contagion ravages the ship, incapacitating the rest of the crew.
Memento Mori. S1.E4May 26, 2022
Pike must find unconventional Starfleet methods to deal with a malevolent force that attacks the Enterprise.
Spock Amok. S1.E5Jun 2, 2022
A personal visit causes a comedy of errors during Spock & Pike's crucial negotiations with an unusual alien species.
Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach. S1.E6Jun 9, 2022
A threat to an idyllic planet reunites Captain Pike with the lost love of his life. To protect her and a scientific holy child from a conspiracy, Pike offers his help and is forced to face unresolved feelings of his past.
The Serene Squall. S1.E7Jun 16, 2022
While on a dangerous humanitarian mission, the crew of the Enterprise stumbles into a harrowing game of leverage with the quadrant's deadliest space pirate.
The Elysian Kingdom. S1.E8Jun 23, 2022
The USS Enterprise becomes stuck in a nebula that's home to an alien consciousness which traps the crew in a fairy tale.
All Those Who Wander. S1.E9Jun 30, 2022
Enterprise crew comes face-to-face with their demons - and scary monsters too - when their landing party's stranded on a barren planet with a ravenous enemy.
A Quality of Mercy. S1.E10Jul 7, 2022
In the season one finale, just as Captain Pike thinks he's figured out how to escape his fate, he's visited by his future self, who shows him the consequences of his actions.