The film "Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms" in 4K Ultra HD will show the continuation of the legendary Hellboy movie in an agitated version. Actions take place all in the same city, but with a new evil that has captured their friend and mentor. The professor was ready to take the blow of the past upon himself and did not realize that the strong ancient spirits of Japan would penetrate his soul and make him not only fight with himself, but also fight on the side of darkness. The main character and his brave team go in search of an escaped professor in the hope of finding him and helping to return to their previous state. When the team finds shelter of this ancient demon, it understands that it simply will not be here. Red is ready to fight to the last breath, and his team with a reptile and a man to help him. The guys fight in unequal conditions with mummies and a flying demon. Throughout the film, the meaning of the struggle of man and his inner evil with which they fight every day and do not stand on his side is revealed. The demon is defeated, and now the professor is saved, as are the inhabitants of this big city.