"Mark of the Devil" (1970) is a horror movie set in medieval Germany. The story follows Willem Grimm, a charming young man who becomes an inquisitor along with his mentor Herbert Matem. As Willem delves deeper into his role, he encounters the corruption, violence and injustice that comes with the witch-hunting and heretic-hunting processes. The situation becomes increasingly dark as Willem begins to question the morality of his actions and the methods of the Inquisition.
Under Mayhofer's directorial helm, Mark of the Devil evokes an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, visualizing the brutal methods of the Inquisition and their devastating effects on society. The film is a strong representative of the exploitation genre, possessing horror scenes, tense drama and sociocritical undertones. Every frame is filled with tension, revealing the dark sides of human nature in the atmosphere of the Inquisitorial nightmare.