The fantastic action movie Batman 4K Blu-ray directed by Tim Burton in 1989, based on popular comic books about the mysterious superhero, is the first film from the legendary franchise. Popular Hollywood actor Michael Keaton plays the role of rich Bruce Wayne, who saw his parents killed with his own eyes as a child. But Bruce did not break down and grew up a strong decent man. By day, he is a successful billionaire and a magnet for beautiful women, and at night he is a superhero Batman, who goes to the streets of Gotham to fight criminals. A mysterious law enforcement defender hides his face under a bat mask, dressed in bulletproof black suit and moves through the city streets in a high-tech Batmobile. In addition to the epic main superhero in the film there is an equally epic antihero, a brutal killer with a clown face named Joker. The image of the main Batman's enemy of comic books perfectly embodied on the set Jack Nicholson, which viewers rightfully consider the most charismatic antagonist for Batman in all time.