The events of Days of Future Past have had a colossal impact on a world where mutants and humans struggle for their place under the sun. In this difficult time, the X-Men must face their most dangerous opponent - the ancient mutant Apocalypse, a creature whose battle could be the last not only for mutants, but in principle for all mankind. In search of a way to defeat the invulnerable and immortal monster, the X-Men must learn more about the origins of their species. But Apocalypse is incredibly strong, and the probability of victory is decreasing, because he is firmly convinced that only the strongest have the right to survive ...
For centuries, magic and impregnable walls have protected people from any harm. But an ancient evil, defeated and forgotten millennia ago, has awakened.
A dark portal opened in the heart of the kingdom, and a race of unseen creatures flooded the lands of Azeroth. Thus began the events destined to change the fate of this world forever.
When love is gone, a beautiful maiden's heart turns to ice. And not even a hundred kingdoms can hold back her untold army. Only the Hunter knows no fear. Through the cursed forest, he walks towards his destiny.
What do pets do while their owners are away at work? Do they stare longingly out the window? Meekly dozing on the doormat by the door? Well, they don't. They lead their own secret lives.
The government decides to give a team of supervillains a chance at redemption. The catch is that they are sent on a mission where they are likely to die.
Professor Robert Langdon regains consciousness in an Italian hospital, having completely lost his memory. Local doctor Sienna Brooks tries to help Robert not only to recover his memories, but also to stop mysterious intruders who intend to spread a deadly virus. The unraveling of the mysterious story is linked to Inferno, the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy.
On a tropical island where flightless birds live, there is an atmosphere of joy and happiness. Red bird Red has felt like an outcast since childhood, so it's no surprise that now he doesn't fit in with the surrounding reality and doesn't share everyone's optimism. One day green pigs arrive on the paradise island and the friendly birds give them a warm welcome, but except for Red no one notices that the pigs are up to no good.
Thanks to revolutionary technology that can trigger memories of previous generations, Callum Lynch relives the adventures of his ancestor Aguilar in 15th century Spain. Callum discovers that he is a descendant of members of a mysterious secret society of assassins. After accumulating incredible knowledge and skills, he confronts the powerful and brutal Templar organization in the present day.
The search for and study of extraordinary magical creatures brings magozoologist Newt Salamander to New York City. Most likely, he would have traveled further by train if not for a nemag (as they call Muggles in America) named Jacob, a magical suitcase left in the wrong place, and the escape of Newt's fantastic animals.
A terrible car accident puts an end to the career of Dr. Strange, a successful neurosurgeon. Desperate, he sets off on a journey in search of a cure and discovers his incredible ability to transform space and time. Now he is a link between parallel dimensions, and his mission is to protect the inhabitants of the Earth and counteract evil, no matter what form it takes.