In a remote village lives a beautiful girl named Belle. One day her father Maurice goes to the fair, but on the way he loses his way. Finding himself in an enchanted castle, he becomes a prisoner of the Beast. Belle rushes to her father's aid.
Beauty and the Beast 4K 2017
In a remote village lives a beautiful girl named Belle. One day her father Maurice goes to the fair, but on the way he loses his way. Finding himself in an enchanted castle, he becomes a prisoner of the Beast. Belle rushes to her father's aid.
Up 4K 2009
WALL·E 4K 2008
Orca 4K 1977
The tragedy happened in front of the male whale. Orcas are monogamous by nature, and from that moment the whale began to take revenge on humans. People close to Nolan. With little left of the fishing village, it became clear to both Nolan and the whale that they must face off in a fight that would be the last one for either of them.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 4K 2019
Abominable 4K 2019
Ad Astra 4K 2019
Sixteen years after the disappearance of Project Lima, strange bursts of energy begin to occur on Earth, disabling electrical systems and wreaking havoc and destruction. According to the American space agency, the signal comes from Neptune, and now the son of a famous astronaut, Major Roy McBride, is assigned a responsible mission. He must get to the Martian base and from there try to contact his presumably living father.