Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie 4K 1994 Unrated
The plot of the film revolves around a martial arts group who unite to confront the secret sinister organization Shadaloo, led by the dangerous M. Byson. At the center of the action are Chun-Li, Geil, Ryu and other characters, each bringing their own unique style and charisma. The movie shines with epic fights, gorgeous animation and an exciting soundtrack, immersing the viewer in an atmosphere of uncompromising combat and dynamic bouts.
"Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie" not only satisfies fans of the game, but also provides a thrilling cinematic journey filled with action, intrigue and emotion.
The Monster Squad 4K 1987
The plot begins when an ancient evil awakens, releasing classic monsters such as Dracula, Wolf Man, Frankenstein and others. A group of rogue children, called the Monster Brigade, find themselves the only hope for their town. They combine their knowledge of monsters to find a way to stop the sinister threat and save their friends and families.
This film perfectly combines elements of horror, fantasy and humor. It is memorable for its original concept and engaging narrative, appealing to both young viewers and those who were looking for an exciting movie for the whole family.