The Huntsman: Winter's War 4K 2016
Deepwater Horizon 4K 2016

Inferno 4K 2016

Planet Earth II S01 E01

But there's always a price to pay for island life. In the Galapagos Islands, young marine iguanas must flee the onslaught of deadly gonzo snakes as they hatch from the sand. On the sub-Antarctic island of Zavodovsky, life is even more extreme. Every day, one and a half million penguins risk being smashed against the rocks by ferocious waves as they try to get on and off the island.
Patriots Day 4K 2016
The Angry Birds Movie 4K 2016

Passengers 4K 2016

Mechanic Jim Preston wakes up in the hibernation capsule of a spaceship traveling to the Abode, the new home of humanity. Holograms and robots cheerfully greet him, but the problem is that a malfunction has caused Jim to wake up alone, and it's another 90 years to fly to his destination. Unable to sleep, he tries to party and get drunk, and after a year he decides on a desperate act - to wake up another person, the writer Aurora.