Returning home from Vulcan in an expropriated Klingon spaceship, Kirk and his crew prepare in advance for the worst. Although their duty of honor is done and Spock is back with us alive and well, the crew has little reason to rejoice, especially when they begin to remember the misdeeds they have committed.
Disobeying orders, the hijacked and then self-destructed Enterprise, the sabotaged Excelsior, all of which have them speculating on what Earth will have in store for them.
But the reality turns out to be much darker - a huge spaceship of unknown design has approached Earth, transmitting requests to the planet in the language of whales, by the 23rd century finally extinct. The strange ship has a property to influence the weather, which arranges on the Earth continuous downpours, thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes. The analysis of the situation suggests that if, thanks to some miracle, whales appear on Earth again, it will stabilize the situation and resolve the impending conflict.
And who do you think is capable of performing a miracle? Captain Kirk and his crew, of course! They are ready to travel back in time to find the whales and bring them to the future to save the whole planet.
Their journey begins...