Star Trek: First Contact 4K 1996

Star Trek: Generations 4K 1994

Demolition Man 4K 1993

Unable to cope with Phoenix's violent 1990s habits, officials are looking for a cop from those years who can get the upper hand on the 90s criminal. To do so, they unfreeze Sgt. John Spartan, unjustly sentenced to time in cryo-prison for his latest bout with Phoenix.
Riddick 4K 2013 Director's Cut

Pulse 4K 2001

Star Trek: Nemesis 4K 2002

This mystery remains unsolved, as at the same time Admiral Janeway orders the Enterprise to travel to Romulus, where the Senate has been overthrown in a coup d'état by Shinzon and his followers. Upon arriving on Romulus, the Enterprise discovers not only the most powerful ship they have ever encountered, but also a terrible secret concerning the new leader of the Romulan Empire, who plans to use a deadly weapon to destroy all life on the Federation's main planet, Earth.
Star Trek: Insurrection 4K 1998

If the captain of the starship Enterprise obeyed the order, 600 harmless inhabitants of the planet Ba Ku would be forcibly removed from their beautiful world. This will be done in the name of the supposed welfare of millions who will draw energy from the famous Fountain of Rejuvenation. If Picard refuses to carry out the order, he risks his ship, his career and his life.