Saturday Night Fever 4K 1977 THEATRICAL

8 Mile 4K 2002

The "8 Mile" highway, which separates Detroit from the suburbs, becomes the dividing line between blacks and whites. What is happening in the city is reflected in the music. In poor suburban neighborhoods, where the main goal is survival, hip-hop becomes an emotional outlet for many residents, a means of escape from the harsh daily reality.
Quiet Days in Clichy 4K 1970
Raw Deal 4K 1986

Mark will have to act without any support from the local police, who know nothing about his secret mission. Acting alone against an entire gangster syndicate, Mark must "take" the powerful and brutal head of Chicago organized crime.
If successful, Mark will be hailed a hero and reinstated to the force. Not accustomed to retreat in the face of danger, Mark willingly takes up the cause. He is determined to bring order to Chicago with an "iron hand"....
Videodrome 4K 1983
Men 4K 2022
Nope 4K 2022 IMAX

The Changeling 4K 1980