Red Sparrow 4K 2018

Black Panther 4K 2018

Many years later, trouble comes to Wakanda again, and this time the enemy has enlisted the support of modern technology. When there is little chance left, T'Challa, the young prince of Wakanda, learns that it is up to him to revive the legend and continue the eternal struggle, wearing the mask of the Black Panther.
Fifty Shades Freed 4K 2018

Maze Runner: The Death Cure 4K 2018

The Commuter 4K 2018
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay 4K 2018
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight 4K 2018
Cars 3 4K 2017

The hero still continues to show the best results at all tournaments, but victories are not so easy for him, and the competition is getting tougher and tougher. Lightning McQueen is waiting for exciting adventures, where he will meet new friends, as well as realize that not only speed and engine power make the racer a champion.