“The Last Embrace” (1979) is a tense thriller directed by Jonathan Demme that centers on former CIA agent Harry Hannen (Roy Scheider). After suffering a nervous breakdown caused by the death of his wife during a failed mission, Hannen decides to start a new life. However, shortly after leaving the asylum, he discovers he is being followed and his life is once again threatened. Harry begins to receive mysterious messages and realizes that he has become the target of an unknown enemy. In an attempt to make sense of what is happening, Hannen teams up with Caitlin, a scholar and historian, who helps him unravel a complex web of intrigue and betrayal. As the plot unfolds, the tension builds and the plot twists don't let the viewer relax for a minute. Masterful acting and dynamic direction create an exciting atmosphere, making “The Last Embrace” one of the best thrillers of its time.