Humanity continues to experiment with genetic engineering and create cyborgs that outwardly do not differ from people, only stronger than them physically and intellectually. Replicants must become loyal helpers and friends for those who need it. To protect the planet from the revolt of non humans, the creators introduced a special program into cyborgs, which at the right time will provoke their self-destruction. Most bio robots with artificial intelligence do not even suspect that they are not people made of flesh and blood. And for destruction of rebellious replicants, which could not be eliminated by the destruction program, special measures are provided, they are eliminated by the blade runners unit. The science fiction thriller Blade Runner Ultra HD along with Alien is the pride of Ridley Scott, who inexplicably managed to attract several Hollywood top stars to the movie at once. Of course, the first to be mentioned is Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young and Daryl Hannah, who made this film the greatest noir in the history of cinema.