"The Mandalorian" is a Star Wars space Western following the lone bounty hunter Din Djarin in a post-Empire galaxy. His mission takes a turn when he encounters Grogu, a mysterious and adorable creature. Balancing duty and responsibility, Djarin explores the galaxy's complexities, facing scoundrels and remnants of the Empire. The series, created by Jon Favreau, weaves thrilling action, rich character development, and nods to Star Wars lore, captivating audiences with its immersive storytelling, stunning visuals, and evocative score by Ludwig Göransson. "The Mandalorian" marks a cultural phenomenon in the Star Wars saga.
The Mandalorian Season 1 Series 1-8 in 4K Ultra HDChapter 1: The Mandalorian, S1.E1Mar 24, 2020
A Mandalorian bounty hunter tracks a target for a well-paying, mysterious client.
Chapter 2: The Child, S1.E2Mar 24, 2020
Target in hand, the Mandalorian must now contend with scavengers
Chapter 3: The Sin, S1.E3Mar 27, 2020
The battered Mandalorian returns to his client for his reward.
Chapter 4: Sanctuary, S1.E4Apr 3, 2020
The Mandalorian teams up with an ex-soldier to protect a farming village from raiders.
Chapter 5: The Gunslinger, S1.E5Apr 10, 2020
On a familiar desert planet, the Mandalorian helps a rookie bounty hunter who is in over his head.
Chapter 6: The Prisoner, S1.E6Apr 17, 2020
The Mandalorian is part of a crew of mercenaries springing a convict from a prison ship.
Chapter 7: The Reckoning, S1.E7Apr 24, 2020
An old contact extends an invitation for the Mandalorian to make peace with his enemies.
Chapter 8: Redemption, S1.E8May 1, 2020
The Mandalorian and his allies come to know their true enemy, who already knows much about them.