A cool action movie with wonderful actor Jason Stayton “Crank” in 4k blue-ray format will show in all angles how a person wants to live and begins to value his existence when life is in danger. The hired killer Chef Chelios, who loves his girlfriend so much, was ready to give up his usual business for her sake, but did not have time. The Chinese bandits decided to punish him and injected him with a serum that keeps his life and does not allow him to die with a new heart for another hour. The main character turned out to be smart and calling his friend found out how to extend his life for several hours to find these villains who stole his heart and most importantly have time to say goodbye to his girlfriend. The chef crosses all laws and courageously climbs into all fights without a doubt in order to get a heart. But the hero has an important condition that he must comply with, of course, adrenaline. Only this hormone is ready to extend his life and Chef takes all the risks for the sake of how to get it. When he finds his heart, the picture suggests that the continuation will be necessary.
Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Efren Ramirez, Dwight Yoakam, Carlos Sanz, Reno Wilson, Edi Gathegi, Glenn Howerton, Jay Xcala, Keone Young, Valarie Rae Miller, Yousuf Azami, Laurent Schwaar, David Brown.