The wonderful animated film "Ghost in the Shell-2: Innocence" in 4K UHD, 2160p, reveals the essence of humanity that seeks to create artificial intelligence. Bato is always ready to stand on the side of justice and protect the citizens of his city, but today an incident occurred in the counter-terrorism and crime department that turned all imagination about robot’s upside down. Together with his partner, he begins a long and mysterious investigation in which there is a series of murders by robots of their owners. The system crashed and now artificial intelligence is ready to live independently of people. All this must be stopped and put in place. Bato is ready to sacrifice himself and find the real cause of the bloody killings. After a long time and enormous efforts, he goes on the trail of artificial intelligence that it all started. It's not about people's lives, but about robots who are simply tired of being like humans, both externally and intellectually. Robots are waiting for the moment and are ready to show their individuality in the form of the destruction of all life that stands in their way to improvement.