A lot of blood, cut off heads and even severed eyes will be seen by viewers while watching the classic horror Evil Dead II 4K Blu-ray. The master of this genre Sam Raimi took into account all the wishes of filmfans after the first part and added more trash in the continuation of the trilogy about the living dead. The director's great merit is that he managed to attract the charismatic American actor Bruce Campbell, who became a favorite of the audience after the release of Evil Dead. Always optimistic and finding a way out of any situation, his character Ash has become an idol of youth and an object of funny memes. This time the main character will have to try harder to stay alive and Ash will even get physically injured. Even after the killer of the dead has to chop off his own infected hand and kill a new girlfriend after she turns into a dead, cutting off her head with a shovel, The Ash does not lose courage and believes in a promising future. Each evil dead will definitely get his own Ash!
Bruce Campbell, Sarah Berry, Dan Hicks, Kassie Wesley, Ted Raimi, Denise Bixler, Richard Domeier, John Peakes, Lou Hancock, Snowy Winters, Sol Abrams, Josh Becker, Scott Spiegel, Thomas Kidd, Mitch Cantor...